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Spring Boot Kafka Listener vs Consumer

What's the difference? Can the term KafkaConsumer and KafkaListener be used interchangeably?


  • The @KafkaListener is a high level API for the ConcurrentMessageListenerContainer, which spawns several internal listeners around KafkaConsumer.

    The difference is that that KafkaConsumer API is pollable on demand when you call its poll() whenever you need. The listener abstraction is about to have an infinite loop around that poll() and it produces messages for records whenever they appear from the poll(). We have there a task executor which runs a logic like this:

            while (isRunning()) {
                try {
                catch (@SuppressWarnings(UNUSED) WakeupException e) {
                    // Ignore, we're stopping
                catch (NoOffsetForPartitionException nofpe) {
                    this.fatalError = true;
                    ListenerConsumer.this.logger.error("No offset and no reset policy", nofpe);
                catch (Exception e) {
                catch (Error e) { // NOSONAR - rethrown
                    Runnable runnable = KafkaMessageListenerContainer.this.emergencyStop;
                    if (runnable != null) {
                    this.logger.error("Stopping container due to an Error", e);
                    throw e;

    The KafkaConsumer.poll() is called in that pollAndInvoke();.