I want to make a route that will be triggered from client request. For example I have a route http://localhost:8080/get where I have some json object. I want to create a route when I send a request to http://localhost:8080/get to send the data to ActiveMQ. Like event listener. I want to send to activeMq only when there is request to that URL. I have searched that I cant use http or http4 in from() and that makes me a problem. I have tried from timer to url and then to activemq, but that is not what I really need. This is what I have tried.
@GetMapping(value = "/shit")
public String getIt(@RequestParam(value = "url") String url, @RequestParam(value = "activemq") String activeMq) throws Exception {
CamelContext camelContext = new DefaultCamelContext();
RouteBuilder builder = new RouteBuilder() {
public void configure() {
.process(exchange -> {
String body = exchange.getIn()
System.out.println("The body is: " + body);
.simple("activemq://" + activeMq);
return "";
And I want the route to be active untill I stop it.
Yeah, camel-http4 is to produce only, it is not usable as a consumer because it is based an Apache HTTP client.
But you don't need special things like a timer or enricher. You can just use another Camel http-component that can act as a server. For example camel-jetty.
After a long discussion I finally realized that you would like to "branch off" requests within your other, already existing applications, i.e. you would like to send an incoming request, additionally to process them, to ActiveMQ.
Unfortunately you cannot do this from outside your applications because you do not know about incoming requests in other applications without modifying those other applications.
However, if you can modify your other applications so that they send their payloads to your new Camel application, the route would be quite simple: