How to iterate over a list with defined steps and not in each item in the list? I want to be able to jump some items.
t = np.linspace(0,100,1000)
Fs = 6000
f = 200
func = 50*np.sin(2 * np.pi * f * t / Fs)+50
idx = [9 140 309 439 609 739 908]
for i in (idx):
it = integrate.simps(func[i], t[i])
>> gives me this :
''' which is logical, because it iterates over every element,
but how to iterate like the following :
I want to do integral of func from:
idx 1 to 2
idx 3 to 4
idx 5 to 6
idx 7 to end which doesn't exist because the list is just 7 items
so that it gives me only four values'''
You want to iterate through the values in idx
in pairs?
This post Iterating over every two elements in a list has some ways of doing that. Not sure how you want to handle the edge-case of the last element not having a next element though.