data Tegel = Teg Int Int
type RijTegels = [Tegel]
volleRijTegels :: RijTegels
volleRijTegels = ziptwee [21..36] (replicate 4 1 ++ replicate 4 2 ++ replicate 4 3 ++ replicate 4 4)
ziptwee :: [Int] -> [Int] -> RijTegels
ziptwee [] [] = []
ziptwee (x:xs) (y:ys) = Teg x y: ziptwee xs ys
Now I use two functions, but I want to do it with one. I thought I could use zipWith, but I can't seem to figure out how.
volleRijTegels :: RijTegels
volleRijTegels = [zipWith (++) [1,2,3] [4,5,6]] -- here it is going wrong
I am placing the outer brackets wrong I guess, but I don't know where they should go.
Anyone who could show me how the work is done?
The problem here is that you want the type RijTegels
but actually the type you're creating with zipWith (++)
is [[a]]
. So to change that you could use the type constructor instead of the (++)
data Tegel = Teg Int Int deriving (Show)
type RijTegels = [Tegel]
volleRijTegels :: RijTegels
volleRijTegels = zipWith Teg [1,2,3] [4,5,6] -- here it is going wrong
main = print volleRijTegels