I have a puppet module for host-1 doing some file exchanges.
Is it possible to inform another puppet agent on host-2 (i.e. with a notify) about a change made on host-1?
And if it is possible, what would be a best practice way to do that?
class fileexchangehost1 {
file { '/var/apache2/htdocs':
ensure => directory,
source => "puppet:///modules/${module_name}/var/apache2/htdocs",
owner => 'root',
group => 'root',
recurse => true,
purge => true,
force => true,
notify => Service['restart-Service-on-host-2'],
Many have asked this question and at various times there has been talk of implementing a feature to make it possible. But it's not possible, and not likely to be possible any time soon.
Exported resources was considered an early solution to problems similar to this, although some e.g. here have argued it is not a good solution and I don't see exported resources used often nowadays.
I think, nowadays, the recommended approach would be to keep-it-simple, and use something like Puppet Bolt to simply run commands on node A, and then on node B, in order.
If not Puppet Bolt, you could also use MCollective's successor, Choria, or even Ansible for this.