We have very simple example of transition route in Web Google Map. Consider following example link. Or image, below.
My question is, how to get this shape of the route with some Map API(maybe not Google)? So I'm trying to make script, where I can insert a lot of points of the destination, and the output should be the shape of the transition routes. Even I can make shape with OpenCV, all what I need, it's just thumbnail of such route.
field in Static API with same destination points (provided in link above), we would have just connection lines. Example below and link to the Map Request. Your question is now a bit too broad and so will be my answer, but I'll summarize here what you could do.
or the overview_polyline
to draw that same route on the Maps Static API. Note that both are simplified paths (smoothed) that are less precise than the exact Polyline you get from the API. Maybe that is enough for your use case. Read more here.Hope this helps.