I'm parsing some log files and need to extract a integer for a "size" parameter.
The string (part of it) looks like this
I want to get the first integer between ":" and "\". That would be 22. Not 123123123.
I have tried the following code
p = re.compile("[\:](\d+)[\D]")
s = "asdasdasd\\size\\x22:22\x0A23232d:123123123\x0A2"
output = '22'
However, if there is no number between the first appearances of ":" and "\" and want the code to return None or 0. Right now the code will return '123123123' if the pattern looks like this:
What would be the best way to achieve this?
You may use re.search
with the following pattern:
p = re.compile(r"^[^:]*:(\d+)")
See the regex demo with String 1 and another demo with String 2.
- start of string [^:]*
- 0+ chars other than :
- a -
- Capturing group 1: one or more digitsSee the Python demo:
import re
strs = ["asdasdasd\\size\\x22:\x0A23232d:123123123\x0A2", "asdasdasd\\\size\\x22:22\x0A23232d:123123123\x0A2"]
p = re.compile(r"^[^:]*:(\d+)")
for s in strs:
result = ""
m = p.search(s)
if m:
result = m.group(1)
result = None