Is it possible to run an UltraEdit macro or script from the PowerShell? Something like following:
uedit64.exe c:\temp\test.txt /s,e="c:\temp\script.js"
I have nothing special. I just want to open the log file with UltraEdit and as soon the log file is opened the UltraEdit Script should be executed on that. The following code opens the log file but does not execute the script on that.
$ultraEdit = "C:\...\UltraEdit\uedit64.exe"
$logFile = "C:\...\res.log"
$scriptFile = "C:\...\ultraEditScript.js"
Start-Process -FilePath $ultraEdit -ArgumentList "$logFile /s=`"$scriptFile`""
Thanks everyone, The problem was with Select-String that split the matched lines, therefore, the script did not perform any action due to improper file structure.
These two works great :-)
1. & $ultraEdit /fni $logFile /S=$scriptFile
2. Start-Process -FilePath $ultraEdit -ArgumentList "$logFile /S=$scriptFile"