I have two branches.
I am currently on feature/sidebar and have nothing unstaged. All the changes that I had, have been committed. In other words, when I run git status
I get:
nothing to commit, working tree clean.
On feature/sidebar one of the files I changed is index.html
. Using my defined difftool
how can I see a list of the changes between index.html
on feature/sidebar and index.html
on develop?
Either you want to compare the current state of the working tree to its last commited state with
git difftool -- index.html
...or compare the staged changes with last commit :
git difftool --staged -- index.html
...but all this happens within the same branch.
To compare branches together, then explicitly list them (but this will compare their last commited state, not the index or working tree) :
git difftool develop feature/sidebar -- index.html