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Marklogic json:config generate "_children"

I don't understand why Marklogic json:config generates "_children". How can I exclude "_children". I see all the enumerated children come back for parents, but there's a lot of extra junk in the JSON output.

let $config := json:config("custom")
let $_ := map:put( $config, "full-element-names",xs:QName("Nav:keynavlist")

Json output:

"Navigators": {
  "keynavlist": {
  "_children": [
      "keynav": {
          "_value": "Fuel Cells"
    "keynav": {
        "_value": "Microorganisms"
  "keynav": {
 "_value": "Waste Treatment"


  • I am guessing you would like to get something like:

        "Navigators": {
            "keynavlist": [{
                "keynav": "Fuel Cells"
            }, {
                "keynav": "Microorganisms"
            }, {
                "keynav": "Waste Treatment"

    But closest you can get with the json transform lib is this:

        "Navigators": {
            "keynavlist": {
                "keynav": ["Fuel Cells", "Microorganisms", "Waste Treatment"]


    xquery version "1.0-ml";
    import module namespace json="" at "/MarkLogic/json/json.xqy";
    let $config := json:config("custom")
    let $_ := map:put($config, "array-element-names", ("keynav"))
    return json:transform-to-json(
          <keynav>Fuel Cells</keynav>
          <keynav>Waste Treatment</keynav>

    Consider building json with a recursive function, maybe something like this:

    declare function local:xml-to-json($nodes) {
      for $node in $nodes
      return typeswitch ($node)
        case element() return
          if ($node/attribute() or ($node/element() and $node/text())) then
            object-node {
              local-name($node): object-node {
                "@": array-node{ local:xml-to-json($node/attribute()) },
                "_": array-node { local:xml-to-json($node/node()) }
            object-node {
              local-name($node): array-node{ local:xml-to-json($node/node()) }
        case attribute() return
          object-node {
            local-name($node): data($node)
        default return $node
          <keynav>Fuel Cells</keynav>
          <keynav>Waste Treatment</keynav>
