The problem is that I cannot apply induction on H without skipping a step. I was supposed to get Some instr0 to apply the standard lemma :
Lemma get_Some {A} (l:list A) n x :
list_get l n = Some x -> n < length l.
revert n. induction l; destruct n; simpl; try discriminate.
- auto with arith.
- intros. apply IHl in H. auto with arith.
frankly the first that come in mind is unfold the definition of Step and try induction on list_get.
Lemma getthatStep code m m' (n := List.length code):
Step code m m' -> pc m < length code .
1 subgoal
code : list instr
m, m' : machine
n := length code : nat
H : match list_get code (pc m) with
| Some instr0 => Stepi instr0 m m'
| None => False
pc m < length code
It seems obvious but I'm pretty blocked.
Here some Information on the types :
Record machine :=Mach {
(** Pointeur de code *)
pc : nat;
(** Pile principale *)
stack : list nat;
(** Pile de variables *)
vars : list nat
Inductive instr :=
| Push : nat -> instr
| Pop : instr
| Op : op -> instr
| NewVar : instr
Inductive Stepi : instr -> machine -> machine -> Prop :=
| SPush pc stk vs n : Stepi (Push n) (Mach pc stk vs) (Mach (S pc) (n::stk) vs)
| SPop pc stk vs x : Stepi Pop (Mach pc (x::stk) vs) (Mach (S pc) stk vs)
| SOp pc stk vs o y x : Stepi (Op o) (Mach pc (y::x::stk) vs) (Mach (S pc) (eval_op o x y :: stk) vs). ```
(* Takes two machines and a list of instructions if their code
is valid it returns true else it returns false *)
Definition Step (code:list instr) (m m' : machine) : Prop :=
match list_get code m.(pc) with
| Some instr => Stepi instr m m'
| None => False
You can get the relevant information with destruct (list_get code (pc m)) eqn:H'
. This will give you enough information to apply your lemma in one case, and to prove the goal by exfalso
in the other case.