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How to get a text file to split by a string in different RichTextBoxes?

My Textfile looks like this:


Now i try to get the Textfile split up by the (-*-) string (<-it´s always this in the Textfile!) and show it in different richtextboxes. I use actually following Code...

Tried with datatable, stringbuilder, iList...

My Goal is to get all textA in richtextbox A, textB in richtextbox B and so on...

 private void öffnenToolStripMenuItem_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
        var seiten = new List<string>();

        if (oFDOpenDatei.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK)
            using (StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(oFDOpenDatei.FileName))
                while (!sr.EndOfStream)
                    string[] read = sr.ReadLine().Split(new string[] { "(-*-)" }, StringSplitOptions.None);

                    for (int i = 0; i < read.Length; i++)

                    //foreach (var item in read)
                    //    seiten.Add(Convert.ToString(item));

            rTBA.Text = seiten[0][0].ToString();
            rTBB.Text = seiten[1][0].ToString();

-the activ "for" statment shows a "S" in both richtboxes ... for whatever reason :))

-the foreach says out of index, but when i check the array.lenght, it shows me 1 at A and 2 at B ... not more

can someone please get me on the right track!?


  • First of all, it looks like you want your list to contain array-of-string elements, not string elements. In this case, it should be of type List<string[]>.

    Second, when you use ReadLine(), it returns only one line. If you wish to split based on a specific line, you need to read multiple lines.

    Here's an easy solution with LINQ:

    var seiten = new List<string[]>();
    var allLines = File.ReadAllLines(oFDOpenDatei.FileName);
    int consumedLines = 0;
    while (consumedLines < allLines.Length)
        var group = allLines.Skip(consumedLines).TakeWhile(s => s != "(-*-)").ToArray();
        if (group.Any()) seiten.Add(group);
        consumedLines += group.Length + 1;

    If you don't need access to individual lines of the same group, then you can still use a List<string> and adjust the above code to something like this:

    var seiten = new List<string>();
    var allLines = File.ReadAllLines(oFDOpenDatei.FileName);
    int consumedLines = 0;
    while (consumedLines < allLines.Length)
        var group = allLines.Skip(consumedLines).TakeWhile(s => s != "(-*-)").ToArray();
        if (group.Any()) seiten.Add(string.Join(Environment.NewLine, group));
        consumedLines += group.Length + 1;
    rTBA.Text = seiten[0];
    rTBB.Text = seiten[1];
