I am registering a handler (for click event). Before registering the handler, I clear the same handler so as not to register two same handlers.
I am using Webpack's Hot Module Replacement. Every time I change something in the JavaScript source code, part of code registering the handler is rerun.
However, the handler is never removed.
export default class TaskHandlers {
// Called from index.js
registerAddTaskClick(addTaskElementId) {
let element = document.querySelector(`#${addTaskElementId}`);
if (element !== null) {
// Never clears the handler
element.removeEventListener('click', this.handleAddTaskClick);
// Keeps piling on new handlers on every HMR.
element.addEventListener('click', this.handleAddTaskClick);
handleAddTaskClick(event) {
If I run element.removeEventListener()
manually, only the last handler gets removed.
Save the reference to the function so that you remove the same function you're adding, you'll also need to .bind(this)
export default class TaskHandlers {
constructor() {
this.element = document.querySelector(`#${addTaskElementId}`);
this.handleAddTaskClick = this.handleAddTaskClick.bind(this);
// Called from index.js
registerAddTaskClick(addTaskElementId) {
if (this.element !== null) {
this.element.addEventListener('click', this.handleAddTaskClick);
handleAddTaskClick(event) {
this.element.removeEventListener('click', this.handleAddTaskClick);
Update: Also remove the element when you click it and not before, so that you know that it already has a listener binded.
A solution that might work (if it's really needed to keep the instance after changing the code with HMR) is to save the handler in the window object or a global variable that is not part of the module that's refreshed, it's not ideal but might do the trick for you since it's an exceptional case.