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NPE in org.voltdb.Distributer.getPartitionKeys

I signed up for the jira.. not sure how to report issues except for pull request. There's a bug here as the result of .get() can be null. Possibly there is better information available to hydrate an exception I think.

In org.voltdb.Distributer

    if (m_partitionUpdateStatus.get().getStatus() != ClientResponse.SUCCESS) {
        throw new ProcCallException(m_partitionUpdateStatus.get(), null, null);

Example stack trace

org.voltdb.client.ProcCallException: null
at org.voltdb.client.Distributer.getPartitionKeys( ~[voltdbclient-8.4.1.jar!/:?]
at org.voltdb.client.ClientImpl.callAllPartitionProcedure( ~[voltdbclient-8.4.1.jar!/:?]
at ~[voltdb.jar!/:?]


  • I logged a bug ticket for this:

    If you catch the exception, you could call ProcCallException.getClientResponse().getStatusString() which should show why the client wasn't able to get the partition key values that it needs to process a callAllPartitionProcedure() invocation.

    Disclosure: I work at VoltDB