I wrote some code and tried the Ctrl + T to check transpose feature in visual studio.
Just to check if CTRL + Shift + T does the reverse for this Transpose... I tried pressing Ctrl + Shift + T. and it just messed up everything...
Can anyone tell me what exactly this Ctrl + Shift + T does (especially with a block) ?
For instance:
public string returnDateTimeToMyformat(DateTime dt)
dt = dt.AddYears(-1);
return dt.ToString("yyyy MM dd HH mm ss");
string returnDateTimeToMyformat publicdtDateTime (dt
dt = )1AddYears(-.return;
dt ).ToString("yyyy MM dd HH mm ss");
(I started with my cursor right after 'public')
Since CTRL-T swaps the two characters on either side of the cursor, the opposite of it is ...
wait for it ...
CTRLSHIFTT transposes the two words after the cursor.
What it's doing to your block seems rather bizarre. It appears to doing it to multiple parts of each line. My only advice would be (as the doctor said to the patient who complained it hurts when banging their head against a wall): Don't do that.