I'm trying to loop through a customer information array using Q-Cards. I have tested to make sure my customers array always gets updated and has the values I want from my NodeJS Server but it refuses to display any Q-Cards. I have tried many things but I cannot get it to work at all. Any advise or input would be great. Thanks in advance
<div id="maincustomer">
<div id="customerbox">
<div class="row">
<q-input class="inputspace" placeholder="First Name" color="secondary" v-model="fname" @input="dataentered()"/>
<q-input class="inputspace" placeholder="Last Name" color="secondary" v-model="lname" @input="dataentered()"/>
<q-btn class="inputspace" icon="search" color="secondary" :disable="buttonenable" @click="findcustomer()"/>
<div class="row">
<q-card color="secondary" dark class="q-ma-sm" v-for="customer in customers" :key="customer.CustomerID">
{{ customer.FirstName }} {{ customer.LastName }}
<span slot="subtitle">Phone Number: {{ customer.PhoneNumber }}</span>
<q-icon slot="right" name="person" />
{{ customer.Address }}
<q-card-separator />
export default {
// name: 'ComponentName',
data () {
return {
buttonenable: true,
fname: "",
lname: "",
customers: []
methods: {
dataentered: function () {
if(this.fname=="" && this.lname=="")
else {
findcustomer: function () {
this.$Socket.emit('findcustomer', {
fname: this.fname,
lname: this.lname
}, function(customerlist) {
#customerbox {
max-width: 700px;
display: inline-block;
.inputspace {
margin: 5px;
#maincustomer {
text-align: center;
Probably you lost this
context here:
function(customerlist) {
Because function
has own this
context. To fix it you should use arrow function. For your case:
findcustomer() {
this.$Socket.emit('findcustomer', {
fname: this.fname,
lname: this.lname
}, (customerlist) => {