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Facing problem in putting color dots of relevant events on a single date

I am facing problem in showing dots of events on a single date. However, I managed to display event color as a square box. But I want to display it as a dot. The events are coming from the API. Any suggestions how can I overcome this problem?

When I click on a particular date, it retrieves the corresponding events from the API and shows the events on that particular date. The color is also coming from the API request. I just need to show the events with the additional dots with the relevant color from the API

Can Angular component be used in Nativescript app? Then I could have used angular component!

This is the html file of calendar component!

<StackLayout row="0">
        <RadCalendar [monthViewStyle]="monthViewStyle" [eventSource]="eventSource" [selectedDate]="defaultDate"
            (dateSelected)="onDateSelected($event)" row="0" (navigatedToDate)="onNavigatedToDate($event)"></RadCalendar>

enter image description here

bindEventsInCalender(date: string) {

    this._calendarApiService.getCalendarData(date).subscribe((data: any) => {

      var listCal = data;
      let event: CalendarEvent;
      this.calendarEvents = [];
      let events: Array<CalendarEvent> = new Array<CalendarEvent>();
      for (let i = 0; i < listCal.length; i++) {
        // console.log(new Date(listCal[i].date));

        event = new CalendarEvent(
          new Date(listCal[i].date),
          new Date(listCal[i].date),
          new Color(listCal[i].colour)

        // this.calendarEvents.push(new CalendarClass(new Date(listCal[i].date), listCal[i].colour, listCal[i].title, listCal[i].statusid, listCal[i].id));

      // console.log(this.calendarEvents);

      if (this._events_mirror.length > 0) {
        this._events_mirror.forEach(element => {
      this._events = events;
      if (this.appRunFirstTime) {
        this.appRunFirstTime = false;
        this.defaultDate = new Date();


  • Here I have an example for implementing custom event renderer for {N} Android. You will have to extend the base class and use the renderEvents method to draw anything within the calendar cell. The example demonstrates how you can draw a circle instead of default rectangular for denoting events. You may even add more dots with the paint apis.