When using git to clone an hg repository, or when migrating from hg to git, will the hashes remain the same?
By inspection, the answer appears to be "no".
hg clone ssh://some.server.com/path/hgproject/
git clone hg::ssh://some.server.com/path/hgproject/
Followed by:
hg log -l 5
git log -n 5
Show different commit hashes for the same commits.
While both git and hg use SHA-1 hashes, there must be a difference in what they are hashing, perhaps the metadata.
Any tooling dependent on the hashes will require history rewriting for a migration.
Per comment by @ngoldbaum & https://www.mercurial-scm.org/wiki/Nodeid:
nodeid = sha1( min(parent1, parent2) + max(parent1, parent2) + contents )
Whereas git computes it as:
meta data
commit message
commit date
authoring date
hash-of-tree-object (effectively the working directory)
if using git-remote-hg
to do the view or conversion you can find enough information to create a mapping in .git/hg/origin/marks-{hg,git}