I am querying a Google spreadsheet, using a relatively simple expression:
=QUERY(Sheet1!A1:J200, "Select A, J", 1)
This query produces list of Offices and Last N date in columns L and M - see picture below.
What I do next is
I was wondering if it is possible to create a query where 6 months would already be added to values in Column J and, possibly, the resultant list filtered IF value[i] in column J is greater than or equal to TODAY()
. By achiving this, the column J would contain only Last N dates + 6 months
All examples I have checked seems to operate with dates as filters.
ARRAYFORMULA(DATE(YEAR(Sheet1!J1:J), MONTH(Sheet1!J1:J)+6, DAY(Sheet1!J1:J)))},
"select Col1,Col2,'ALARM'
where Col1 is not null
and Col2 >=date '"&TEXT(TODAY(), "yyyy-mm-dd")&"'
label Col2'ABCD', 'ALARM''alarm'
format Col2 'dd-mmm-yyyy'", 1)