How can I use the selector to get data only with a certain key?
That is, I have 4 menus, each with a specific catalogCode
, the user gets a list for a specific menu from the server on click. Each element of this list has an id = code + catalogCode
. That is, the catalogCode
of all elements of this menu will be the same.
So how do I get a list of items for a particular catalogCode
from the store?
I'm trying to do so: selectByCatalogCode
export const selectCatalogItemState: MemoizedSelector<object, State> = createFeatureSelector('CatalogItem');
export const selectCatalogItemAll: MemoizedSelector<object, CatalogItem[]> = createSelector(selectCatalogItemState, selectAll);
export const selectByCatalogCode = () => createSelector(selectCatalogItemAll, (entities: CatalogItem[], props: { catalogCode: string }) => entities[props.catalogCode]);
But this does not work when used in a component, always displays an undefined value
getCatalogItems(catalogCode: string) {
this.catalogItemStore.dispatch(new CatalogItemStoreAction.LoadByCatalog({catalogCode: catalogCode}));, {catalogCode: catalogCode}).subscribe(
a => console.log(a)
export class CatalogItem {
constructor(public code: string,
public catalogCode: string,
public title: string,
public data: object) {
I have provided only part of the code. If necessary, I can provide the code of the entire store.
getCatalogEffect$: Observable<Action> = this.action$
switchMap(action =>
filter(catalogItems => !catalogItems),
map(() => new featureAction.LoadByCatalog({catalogCode: action.payload.catalogCode})),
loadByCatalog$: Observable<Action> = this.action$
switchMap(action => this.catalogItemService.listByCatalog(action.payload.catalogCode)
map(catalogItems => new featureAction.LoadByCatalogSuccess({catalogItems: catalogItems})),
catchError(error => of(new featureAction.LoadByCatalogError({error: error}))),
getCatalogItems(catalogCode: string) {
this.catalogItemStore.dispatch(new CatalogItemStoreAction.GetByCatalog({catalogCode: catalogCode}));
In your selector, if you want to get the object which match your catalogCode, use a filter.
a => console.log(a)
export const selectByCatalogCode = (catalogCode: string) => createSelector(selectCatalogItemAll, (entities: CatalogItem[]) => entities.filter((item: CatalogItem) => item.catalogCode === catalogCode));