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Why don't the fixed items stretch to the full width of grid area?

I am creating a documentation page using grid layout. I have 2 columns, first of which is a vertical nav-bar/menu. Because I have set the position of nav-bar/menu to "fixed", it does not stretch the whole grid area. Why is it happening and what can I do to fix it? Below are HTML and CSS codes respectively:

<div class="wrapper">
        <div class="menu">
            <header>JS Documentation</header>

                <a class="nav-link" href="#Introduction" rel="internal"><li>Introduction</li></a>
                <a class="nav-link" href="#What_you_should_already_know" rel="internal"><li>What you should already know</li></a>
                <a class="nav-link" href="#JavaScript_and_Java" rel="internal"><li>JavaScript and Java</li></a>
                <a class="nav-link" href="#Hello_world" rel="internal"><li>Hello world</li></a>
                <a class="nav-link" href="#Variables" rel="internal"><li>Variables</li></a>
                <a class="nav-link" href="#Declaring_variables" rel="internal"><li>Declaring variables</li></a>
                <a class="nav-link" href="#Variable_scope" rel="internal"><li>Variable scope</li></a>
                <a class="nav-link" href="#Global_variables" rel="internal"><li>Global variables</li></a>
                <a class="nav-link" href="#Constants" rel="internal"><li>Constants</li></a>
                <a class="nav-link" href="#Data_types" rel="internal"><li>Data types</li></a>
                <a class="nav-link" href="#if...else_statement" rel="internal"><li>if...else statement</li></a>
                <a class="nav-link" href="#while_statement" rel="internal"><li>while statement</li></a>
                <a class="nav-link" href="#Function_declarations" rel="internal"><li>Function declarations</li></a>
                <a class="nav-link" href="#Reference" rel="internal"><li>Reference</li></a>

        <div class="main">
            <div id="intro">

                        JavaScript is a cross-platform, object-oriented scripting language. It is a small and lightweight language. Inside a host environment (for example, a web browser), JavaScript can be connected to the objects of its environment to provide programmatic control over them.

                        JavaScript contains a standard library of objects, such as Array, Date, and Math, and a core set of language elements such as operators, control structures, and statements. Core JavaScript can be extended for a variety of purposes by supplementing it with additional objects; for example:

                        Client-side JavaScript extends the core language by supplying objects to control a browser and its Document Object Model (DOM). For example, client-side extensions allow an application to place elements on an HTML form and respond to user events such as mouse clicks, form input, and page navigation.

                        Server-side JavaScript extends the core language by supplying objects relevant to running JavaScript on a server. For example, server-side extensions allow an application to communicate with a database, provide continuity of information from one invocation to another of the application, or perform file manipulations on a server.

    display: grid;
    grid-template-columns: minmax(300px, 0.7fr) 2fr;
    grid-template-areas: "menu main";


    border-right: solid 5px;
    position: fixed;
    height: 100%;
    grid-area: menu;


    grid-area: main;


  • You can try position:sticky on a inner element to have a similar effect:

    .wrapper {
      display: grid;
      grid-template-columns: minmax(300px, 0.7fr) 2fr;
      grid-template-areas: "menu main";
    .menu {
      border-right: solid 5px;
      grid-area: menu;
    .menu>div {
      position: sticky;
    .main {
      grid-area: main;
    <div class="wrapper">
      <div class="menu">
          <header>JS Documentation</header>
            <a class="nav-link" href="#Introduction" rel="internal">
            <a class="nav-link" href="#What_you_should_already_know" rel="internal">
              <li>What you should already know</li>
            <a class="nav-link" href="#JavaScript_and_Java" rel="internal">
              <li>JavaScript and Java</li>
            <a class="nav-link" href="#Hello_world" rel="internal">
              <li>Hello world</li>
            <a class="nav-link" href="#Variables" rel="internal">
            <a class="nav-link" href="#Declaring_variables" rel="internal">
              <li>Declaring variables</li>
            <a class="nav-link" href="#Variable_scope" rel="internal">
              <li>Variable scope</li>
            <a class="nav-link" href="#Global_variables" rel="internal">
              <li>Global variables</li>
            <a class="nav-link" href="#Constants" rel="internal">
            <a class="nav-link" href="#Data_types" rel="internal">
              <li>Data types</li>
            <a class="nav-link" href="#if...else_statement" rel="internal">
              <li>if...else statement</li>
            <a class="nav-link" href="#while_statement" rel="internal">
              <li>while statement</li>
            <a class="nav-link" href="#Function_declarations" rel="internal">
              <li>Function declarations</li>
            <a class="nav-link" href="#Reference" rel="internal">
      <div class="main">
        <div id="intro">
              JavaScript is a cross-platform, object-oriented scripting language. It is a small and lightweight language. Inside a host environment (for example, a web browser), JavaScript can be connected to the objects of its environment to provide programmatic control
              over them.
              JavaScript contains a standard library of objects, such as Array, Date, and Math, and a core set of language elements such as operators, control structures, and statements. Core JavaScript can be extended for a variety of purposes by supplementing it
              with additional objects; for example:
              Client-side JavaScript extends the core language by supplying objects to control a browser and its Document Object Model (DOM). For example, client-side extensions allow an application to place elements on an HTML form and respond to user events such
              as mouse clicks, form input, and page navigation.
              Server-side JavaScript extends the core language by supplying objects relevant to running JavaScript on a server. For example, server-side extensions allow an application to communicate with a database, provide continuity of information from one invocation
              to another of the application, or perform file manipulations on a server.

    Setting position:fixed will remove the element from the flow and will no more belong to the grid. Unless you manually set the width you cannot make it stretch the grid area.