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Child doesn't render template passed by parent

Well, this is my parent component where I am trying to pass the template nodeTemplate to the child ils-tree

<div class="nodes-panel">
    <ils-tree layout="horizontal" [json]="nodes" [template]="nodeTemplate">

<ng-template #nodeTemplate>
    <ng-template let-node  pTemplate="default">
        <p class="node-type">{{}}</p>
        <p class="node-name">{{}}</p>
    <ng-template let-node  pTemplate="orgNode">
        <p class="org-node-name">{{}}</p>

The child component ils-tree's HTML looks this way

  <ng-container *ngTemplateOutlet="template"></ng-container>

and the controller file has

template: TemplateRef<any>;

Basically, the ps are nowhere to be seen and yes, the data json is being passed successfully. Help!

P.S The template when embedded directly, in between, works. That is,

  <ng-template let-node  pTemplate="default">
        <p class="node-type">{{}}</p>
        <p class="node-name">{{}}</p>
    <ng-template let-node  pTemplate="orgNode">
        <p class="org-node-name">{{}}</p>


  • I think primeng tree doesn't let you use a template inside another templates with the pTemplate correct.

    I could make a workaround declaring the templates separated and passing the type too. The main page would look like:

    <ils-tree [templates]="[{type:'orgNode',template:templateOrg},
    <ng-template let-node="node" pTemplate="default" #templateDefault>
        <p class="node-type">{{node.label}}</p>
    <ng-template let-node="node" pTemplate="orgNode" #templateOrg>
        <p class="org-node-name">{{node.label}}</p>

    Then the ils-tree.html would look like:

    <p-tree [value]="data">
        <ng-container *ngFor="let temp of templates">
        <ng-template [pTemplate]="temp.type" let-node>
            <ng-template [ngTemplateOutlet]="temp.template" [ngTemplateOutletContext]="{

    The trick here is passing the node you are using as a context with ngTemplateOutletContext to your template so you can use it in the main with the let-node="node".

    The ils-tree.ts would look like:

      @Input() templates: any[];
      @Input() data: any;

    In my example I added a model for the templates to make it more easy to read.

    You have the live example here: