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expss tab_pivot() not returning anything from inside a for loop

expss looks great for my purpose, but I am having a small problem with it.

Try 1 (not working): When I use expss on a dataframe everything works fine, but then I want to subset the data frame and then call expss on each subset. To subset and call expss I am using a for loop. The data frame is subset correctly, but expss does not return anything.

municipal_lists <- unique(leeftijd1$Regio)[1:3]

for (i in seq_along(municipal_lists)){
  zx <-subset(leeftijd1, leeftijd1$Regio == municipal_lists[i])
  zx %>%
    expss::tab_rows(Regio) %>%
    expss::tab_cells(`Leeftijdscategorie 1`) %>%
    expss::tab_cols(Perioden) %>%
    expss::tab_stat_cases() %>%


Try 2 (not working): I then created a function of all expss call. When I use this function on a data frame, it works. But if I put this function into a for loop, nothing is returned from the function.

get_table <-function(zx){
    zx %>%
    expss::tab_rows(Regio) %>%
    expss::tab_cells(`Leeftijdscategorie 1`) %>%
    expss::tab_cols(Perioden) %>%
    expss::tab_stat_cases() %>%
    expss::tab_pivot() #%>%


municipal_lists <- unique(leeftijd1$Regio)[1:3]

for (i in seq_along(municipal_lists)){
  zx <-subset(leeftijd1, leeftijd1$Regio == municipal_lists[i])


Function is working: A function call works without a for loop, but for whole data frame (with a fixed index)

get_table <-function(zx){
    zx %>%
    expss::tab_rows(Regio) %>%
    expss::tab_cells(`Leeftijdscategorie 1`) %>%
    expss::tab_cols(Perioden) %>%
    expss::tab_stat_cases() %>%


municipal_lists <- unique(leeftijd1$Regio)[1:3]
 zx <-subset(leeftijd1, leeftijd1$Regio == municipal_lists[1])

Direct Call is working: The simplest form without a for loop or without function call is working as expected.

  zx <- leeftijd1
  zx %>%
    expss::tab_rows(Regio) %>%
    expss::tab_cells(`Leeftijdscategorie 1`) %>%
    expss::tab_cols(Perioden) %>%
    expss::tab_stat_cases() %>%

So, how do I get a expss table for each subset of the larger data frame? Could someone guide me please.


  • You need to do something with result of your calculations inside loop. You can print them, for example:

    municipal_lists <- unique(leeftijd1$Regio)[1:3]
    for (i in seq_along(municipal_lists)){
      zx <-subset(leeftijd1, leeftijd1$Regio == municipal_lists[i])
      zx %>%
        expss::tab_rows(Regio) %>%
        expss::tab_cells(`Leeftijdscategorie 1`) %>%
        expss::tab_cols(Perioden) %>%
        expss::tab_stat_cases() %>%
        expss::tab_pivot()  %>%