I have been made a count down for 10 items with JavaScript but it was so long for several items. How can i make this brief? this code for the only one item.
var time01 = 16360;
function time(){
var hour =Math.floor(time01/3600);
var baghi01=time01%3600;
var min = Math.floor(baghi01/60);
var sec = baghi01%60;
document.getElementById('hour-01').textContent = hour;
document.getElementById('min-01').textContent = min;
document.getElementById('sec-01').textContent = sec;
document.getElementById('sec-01').textContent = (`0${sec}`);
document.getElementById('min-01').textContent = (`0${min}`);
document.getElementById('hour-01').textContent = (`0${hour}`);
time01 --;
You could take a closure over the time and target information.
function time(time, target) {
const format = v => v.toString().padStart(2, 0);
var hourE = document.getElementById(`hour-${target}`),
minE = document.getElementById(`min-${target}`),
secE = document.getElementById(`sec-${target}`);
return function () {
var hour = Math.floor(time / 3600)
baghi01 = time % 3600,
min = Math.floor(baghi01 / 60),
sec = baghi01 % 60;
hourE.innerHTML = format(hour);
minE.innerHTML = format(min);
secE.innerHTML = format(sec);
setInterval(time(16360, '01'), 996);
setInterval(time(16360, '02'), 997);
setInterval(time(16360, '03'), 998);
setInterval(time(16360, '04'), 999);
setInterval(time(16360, '05'), 1000);
<span id="hour-01"></span>:<span id="min-01"></span>:<span id="sec-01"></span><br>
<span id="hour-02"></span>:<span id="min-02"></span>:<span id="sec-02"></span><br>
<span id="hour-03"></span>:<span id="min-03"></span>:<span id="sec-03"></span><br>
<span id="hour-04"></span>:<span id="min-04"></span>:<span id="sec-04"></span><br>
<span id="hour-05"></span>:<span id="min-05"></span>:<span id="sec-05"></span><br>