Using retrofit I could make a get and avoid URL encoded like below:
fun searchTournament(@Query(value = "where", encoded = false) query: String): Call<List<Tournament>>
In Fuel this GET request:
fun searchTournament(name: String): Any {
val (request, _, result)
= Fuel.get("/classes/tournaments"), listOf("where" to mapOf("name" to name))).responseString()
val (payload, error) = result
return ""
generate this URL:
that causes an error.
I could not found anything clear in docs about avoids encoded. Is this possible?
My app is a Kotlin console App (Without Android)
When I send this Query to server it responds with an Http 500 - Internal Server Errors (without more details). I think it is not understanding the query.
2019-04-02T03:17:23.314Z - Uncaught internal server error.
The server is an instance of ParseServer(Back4App) I couldn't decode the query there.
Here is a clear instruction about using the rest api.
The value/formatting of where key is wrong. You must use double quotes and ':' instead of directly using the query key with '='.
So your encoded URL should be something like this one: