Search code examples

Not able to merge dictionaries into a list

So I have this piece of code to generate some response for api response.

    @app.route("/api/topFour",methods = ['POST'])
def top():
    parser = request.get_json()
    user_id = parser["user_id"]
    item = {}
    answer = []
    parameters = {"user_id":user_id,"start_date":"2018-01-01","last_date":"2019-12-31"}
    response ="https://my_doamin/app/api/get-customer-list",params= parameters)
    data = response.json()
    if data["status"] == "1":
        customer_list = data["customerList"]
        for i in customer_list:
            item["customer_id"]= i["id"]
    return jsonify({"user_id":user_id,"top4user": answer})

so In my cmd : this is the output for customer-list:

[{'id': 422689, 'full_name': 'jeff bezos', 'company_name': 'Amazon inc', 'create_date': '2019-03-08 17:38:48'}, {'id': 423053, 'full_name': 'akshit', 'company_name': 'HP Globalsoft pvt ltd', 'create_date': '2019-03-09 12:31:42'}, {'id': 422666, 'full_name': 'bill gates', 'company_name': 'Microsoft C
orporation', 'create_date': '2019-03-08 17:16:26'}, {'id': 423034, 'full_name': 'mukesh', 'company_name': 'Reliance Industries Limited', 'create_date': '2019-03-09 12:26:15'}]

and this for print(item):

{'customer_id': 422689, 'customer_name': 'Amazon inc'}
{'customer_id': 423053, 'customer_name': 'HP Globalsoft pvt ltd'}
{'customer_id': 422666, 'customer_name': 'Microsoft Corporation'}
{'customer_id': 423034, 'customer_name': 'Reliance Industries Limited'}

But When I extend this into a list, it's giving this response:

    "top4user": [
    "user_id": 6052

The following is the output that I was expecting:

{'customer_id': 423034, 'customer_name': 'Reliance Industries Limited'}, 
{'customer_id': 423034, 'customer_name': 'Reliance Industries Limited'}, 
{'customer_id': 423034, 'customer_name': 'Reliance Industries Limited'},
{'customer_id': 423034, 'customer_name': 'Reliance Industries Limited'}

It should be a list of dictionaries. I tried with append.

edit: This was a time when I was a beginner and was frustrated. Please provide feedback in comment rather than just adding negetivity. Helping to improve is better I guess.


  • Can you try the following:

    for i in customer_list:
        item = {}
        item["customer_id"] = i["id"]
        item["customer_name"] = i["company_name"]

    The following is the output:

      {'customer_id': 422689, 'customer_name': 'Amazon inc'}, 
      {'customer_id': 423053, 'customer_name': 'HP Globalsoft pvt ltd'}, 
      {'customer_id': 422666, 'customer_name': 'Microsoft Corporation'}, 
      {'customer_id': 423034, 'customer_name': 'Reliance Industries Limited'}