I am using a lambda function in a C# .NET CORE environment with Moq. More specifically, I am using it in a setup method like so:
MockObject.Setup(o => o.GetList()).Returns<List<DifferentClass>>(() => Task.FromExisting(existingList));
The problem is in the .Returns() call. If I use an empty Lambda, I receive the compiler error that follows:
error CS1593: Delegate 'Func<List<DifferentClass>, Task<List<DifferentClass>>>' does not take 0 arguments.
This implies I need to add an argument to the lambda. I do so as follows:
MockObject.Setup(o => o.GetList()).Returns<List<DifferentClass>>(o => Task.FromExisting(existingList));
Now, rather than a compiler error, an exception is thrown:
System.ArgumentException : Invalid callback. Setup on method with 0 parameter(s) cannot invoke callback with different number of parameters (1).
The stack trace references the same line of code.
Here's the example code:
The tests:
public class UnitTest1
static readonly Mock<IMyClass> MockObject;
static UnitTest1()
MockObject = new Mock<IMyClass>();
var existingList = new List<DifferentClass>();
// Line causing exception below
MockObject.Setup(o => o.GetList()).Returns<List<DifferentClass>>(() => Task.FromExisting(existingList));
// Tests go here...
Here is the mocked class, IMyClass:
public interface IMyClass
Task<List<DifferentClass>> GetList();
It seems like my two options are to throw an exception or fail to compile. I'm not sure what I can do here. If there's anything I'm missing please let me know.
Given the definition of the mocked interface, just call .ReturnsAsync(existingList);
and the type will be inferred.
static UnitTest1()
MockObject = new Mock<IMyClass>();
var existingList = new List<DifferentClass>();
.Setup(o => o.GetList())