Here's another one for implicits and path dependent types. I don't understand why I need to be so verbose here: (Note -- I found the answer, see below)
trait B
trait C[X]
trait A { def call[B1 <: B](implicit b: B1): C[B1] }
trait D extends B {
def set(c: C[this.type]): Unit
first try:
def test1(a: A)(implicit d: D: Unit =
d.set( // found C[D] -- required C[d.type]
second try:
def test2(a: A)(implicit d: D): Unit =
d.set([d.type]) // could not find implicit value for parameter b: d.type
third try:
def test3(a: A)(implicit d: D): Unit =
d.set([d.type](d)) // works. why so much clutter!?
the Scala 2.9 REPL helps us (thanks, whoever added this useful message!). Here for the test1
found : C[D]
required: C[d.type]
Note: D >: d.type, but trait C is invariant in type X.
You may wish to define X as -X instead. (SLS 4.5)
d.set( ) // found C[D] -- required C[d.type]
Thus: changing trait C[ X ]
to trait C[ -X ]
makes test1
work as expected.