I need to create a request from WS SOAP, but I try to set params and always return me a mistake, someone can help me and show me how I can build this request.
for security reasons, I can not post some real values (WSDL,apikey, pass), but I test this WS with soapUI with the real values and the result was ok.
I did these options:
TEST 01:
$client = new SoapClient($wsdl,array('trace' => TRUE,'encoding' => 'UTF-8'));
$ArrayOfInt = array(
'item' => 0
$Cotizador_detalleEmpaques = array(
'ubl' => '0',
'alto' => '12',
'ancho' => '14',
'largo' => '20',
'peso' => '5',
'unidades' => '1'
$ArrayOfCotizador_detalleempaques = array(
'item' => new SoapVar($Cotizador_detalleEmpaques,SOAP_ENC_OBJECT,'item')
$Cotizador_cotizarIn = array(
'nit' => '890904713',
'div' => '01',
'cuenta' => '3',
'producto' => '23',
'origen' => '11001000',
'destino' => '05001000',
'valoracion' => '50000',
'nivel_servicio' => new SoapVar($ArrayOfInt,SOAP_ENC_OBJECT,'nivel_servicio'),
'detalle' => new SoapVar($ArrayOfCotizador_detalleempaques,SOAP_ENC_OBJECT,'detalle'),
'apikey' => 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx',
'clave' => 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx'
$response = $client->Cotizador_cotizar(new SoapVar($Cotizador_cotizarIn,SOAP_ENC_OBJECT,'p'));
TEST 02:
$client = new SoapClient($wsdl,array('trace' => TRUE,'encoding' => 'UTF-8'));
$ArrayOfInt = array(
'item' => new SoapVar(0,XSD_INT,'ubl')
$Cotizador_detalleEmpaques = array(
'ubl' => new SoapVar('0',XSD_STRING,'ubl'),
'alto' => new SoapVar('12',XSD_STRING,'alto'),
'ancho' => new SoapVar('14',XSD_STRING,'ancho'),
'largo' => new SoapVar('20',XSD_STRING,'largo'),
'peso' => new SoapVar('5',XSD_STRING,'peso'),
'unidades' => new SoapVar('1',XSD_STRING,'unidades')
$ArrayOfCotizador_detalleempaques = array(
'item' => new SoapVar($Cotizador_detalleEmpaques,SOAP_ENC_OBJECT,'item')
$Cotizador_cotizarIn = array(
'nit' => new SoapVar('890904713',XSD_STRING,'nit'),
'div' => new SoapVar('01',XSD_STRING,'div'),
'cuenta' => new SoapVar('3',XSD_STRING,'cuenta'),
'producto' => new SoapVar('23',XSD_STRING,'producto'),
'origen' => new SoapVar('11001000',XSD_STRING,'origen'),
'destino' => new SoapVar('05001000',XSD_STRING,'destino'),
'valoracion' => new SoapVar('50000',XSD_STRING,'valoracion'),
'nivel_servicio' => new SoapVar($ArrayOfInt,SOAP_ENC_OBJECT,'nivel_servicio'),
'detalle' => new SoapVar($ArrayOfCotizador_detalleempaques,SOAP_ENC_OBJECT,'detalle'),
'apikey' => new SoapVar('xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx',XSD_STRING,'apikey'),
'clave' => new SoapVar('xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx',XSD_STRING,'clave')
$response = $client->Cotizador_cotizar(new SoapVar($Cotizador_cotizarIn,SOAP_ENC_OBJECT,'p'));
PHP Fatal error: Uncaught SoapFault exception: [0] Error, El campo apikey es obligatorio y no puede ser vacio
I solved my problem like this.
I created a class for any complexType and a general class with the principal names.
//General class.
class General{
public $p;
//Cotizador_cotizarIn class
class Cotizador_cotizarIn{
public $nit;
public $div;
public $cuenta;
public $producto;
public $origen;
public $destino;
public $valoracion;
public $nivel_servicio;
public $detalle;
public $apikey;
public $clave;
//ArrayOfCotizador_detalleempaques class
class ArrayOfCotizador_detalleempaques{
public $item;
//ArrayOfInt class
class ArrayOfInt {
public $item;
//Cotizador_detalleEmpaques class
class Cotizador_detalleEmpaques{
public $ubl;
public $alto;
public $ancho;
public $largo;
public $peso;
public $unidades;
//Principal file
require_once ("classes/cotizador_detalleEmpaques.php");
require_once ("classes/cotizador_cotizarIn.php");
require_once ("classes/arrayOfInt.php");
require_once ("classes/arrayOfCotizador_detalleempaques.php");
require_once ("classes/general.php");
$client = new SoapClient($wsdl,array('trace' => TRUE,'encoding' => 'UTF-8'));
$params = new General();
$params->p = new Cotizador_cotizarIn();
$params->p->nit = '890904713';
$params->p->div = '01';
$params->p->cuenta = '3';
$params->p->producto = '23';
$params->p->origen = '11001000';
$params->p->destino = '05001000';
$params->p->valoracion = '50000';
$params->p->nivel_servicio = new ArrayOfInt();
$params->p->nivel_servicio->item = 0;
$params->p->detalle = new ArrayOfCotizador_detalleempaques();
$params->p->detalle->item = new Cotizador_detalleEmpaques();
$params->p->detalle->item->ubl = '0';
$params->p->detalle->item->alto = '12';
$params->p->detalle->item->ancho = '14';
$params->p->detalle->item->largo = '20';
$params->p->detalle->item->peso = '5';
$params->p->detalle->item->unidades = '1';
$params->p->apikey = APIKEY;
$params->p->clave = PASS;
$result = $client->Cotizador_cotizar($params);
I hope this can help someone else.