I am using oop php and I don't know how to subtract some equations that I have or how to do some arithmetic's.
For example:
class a {
public $account = "£1.00";
public $remove = ""
$p = new a;
$p->account = "£20.00";
$p->remove = "£5.00";
echo $p->account;
echo $p->remove;
So, as you can see in the example above is there a way I can subtract, add, multiple and divide. Also, is there a way to do percentages.
If someone can please help me, it would be much appreciated.
Many thanks!
First of all remove the Pound sign and it will be even better if you don't use strings but float values.
$addition_result = $p->account + $p->remove; //add
$subtraction_result = $p->account - $p->remove; //subtraction
$division_result = $p->account / $p->remove; //division
You can go ahead and echo those results.