I'm trying to create a where clause that has 2 statements that work together and then a separate statement that works by itself if it meets a certain criteria
I've tried CASE statements, AND's, OR's and still nothing works
WHERE HB.CreatedByDate = @ReportDateN AND HB.Date = @ReportDateN - 1
So this code is my current where clause that get's me results that have the CreatedByDate equal to the variable @ReportDateN but also have the regular date equal to the variable @ReportDateN except it minuses one day.
This by itself does what I want it to do but I'd like to add some more.
I want to make it so if a variable called @WeekDay = 'Monday' then to subtract 3 from @ReportDateN in the second part instead of just 1.
Any help will be appreciated, thanks!
WHERE HB.CreatedByDate = @ReportDateN
WHEN @Weekday = 'Monday'
THEN (@ReportDateN - 3)
ELSE (@ReportDateN - 1)
This can also be done by combining OR Statements
WHERE HB.CreatedByDate = @ReportDateN AND
@Weekday = 'Monday' AND HB.Date = (@ReportDateN - 3)
@Weekday != 'Monday' AND HB.Date = (@ReportDateN - 1)
Just for Reference, note that the following will not work:
WHERE CASE @Weekday = 'Monday' THEN .... ELSE ..... END
EDIT: Per op's comment below:
WHERE HB.CreatedByDate = @ReportDateN AND
@Weekday = 'Monday' AND (
HB.Date = (@ReportDateN - 3) OR
HB.Date = (@ReportDateN - 2) OR
HB.Date = (@ReportDateN - 1)
@Weekday != 'Monday' AND HB.Date = (@ReportDateN - 1)