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Circumventing variance checks with extension methods

This doesn't compile:

class MyClass[+A] {
  def myMethod(a: A): A = a
//error: covariant type A occurs in contravariant position in type A of value a

Alright, fair enough. But this does compile:

class MyClass[+A]

implicit class MyImplicitClass[A](mc: MyClass[A]) {
  def myMethod(a: A): A = a

Which lets us circumvent whatever problems the variance checks are giving us:

class MyClass[+A] {
  def myMethod[B >: A](b: B): B = b  //B >: A => B

implicit class MyImplicitClass[A](mc: MyClass[A]) {
  def myExtensionMethod(a: A): A = mc.myMethod(a)  //A => A!!

val foo = new MyClass[String]
//foo: MyClass[String] = MyClass@4c273e6c

//res0: String = Welp.

foo.myExtensionMethod(new Object())
//error: type mismatch

This feels like cheating. Should it be avoided? Or is there some legitimate reason why the compiler lets it slide?


Consider this for example:

class CovariantSet[+A] {
  private def contains_[B >: A](b: B): Boolean = ???

object CovariantSet {
  implicit class ImpCovSet[A](cs: CovariantSet[A]) {
    def contains(a: A): Boolean = cs.contains_(a)

It certainly appears we've managed to achieve the impossible: a covariant "set" that still satisfies A => Boolean. But if this is impossible, shouldn't the compiler disallow it?


  • I don't think it's cheating any more than the version after desugaring is:

    val foo: MyClass[String] = ...
    new MyImplicitClass(foo).myExtensionMethod("Welp.") // compiles
    new MyImplicitClass(foo).myExtensionMethod(new Object()) // doesn't

    The reason is that the type parameter on MyImplicitClass constructor gets inferred before myExtensionMethod is considered.

    Initially I wanted to say it doesn't let you "circumvent whatever problems the variance checks are giving us", because the extension method needs to be expressed in terms of variance-legal methods, but this is wrong: it can be defined in the companion object and use private state.

    The only problem I see is that it might be confusing for people modifying the code (not even reading it, since those won't see non-compiling code). I wouldn't expect it to be a big problem, but without trying in practice it's hard to be sure.