I have written a websocket using ratchet. The webserver is nginx and lives on a raspberry pi. The raspberry pi has been connected to the internet with a router through port forwarding. When I access the site at work, all works well. The websocket connects, all the webpages launch. When I try to access the webpage outside of work the webpage works except the websocket. The worst part is I can't even debug it because I need to be outside the local network for the websocket to fail (i.e not at work). At work, I can connect to the server using two IP addresses, the private IP address that is only accessible locally and the public IP address that can be accessed from anywhere. Both IP addresses properly launch the websocket. When I am not at work, I can only access the webserver on the Public IP address and the websocket does not work.
I have been trying to make this work for a day and a half straight now with no success. Does anybody have any suggestions? Even to help me identify the problem?
The websocket code follows the Ratchet Push Server tutorial:
require '/var/www/html/vendor/autoload.php';
$loop = React\EventLoop\Factory::create();
$pusher = new MyApp\Pusher;
$context = new React\ZMQ\Context($loop);
$pull->on('message',array($pusher, 'onBlogEntry'));
$webSock = new React\Socket\Server($loop);
$webSock->listen(443, '');
$webServer = new Ratchet\Server\IoServer(
new Ratchet\Http\HttpServer(
new Ratchet\Websocket\WsServer(
new Ratchet\Wamp\WampServer(
The client side code is:
var conn = new ab.Session('ws://privateIPAddress:443',
function (){
conn.subscribe('client',function(topic,data) {
function() {
console.warn('Websocket connection closed');
{'skipSubprotocolCheck': true}
I suspect the issue is a security setting since both the public and private IP addresses work when I am at the work site.
This is a very late answer to my own question but in case anyone is still puzzling over the same issues. The answer is don’t use ratchet. Use nodejs with socket.io. All your troubles will fly away. Socket.io which also has a java implementation is simply a more developed package for WebSockets.