I'm trying to associate compile time strings to enum values.
Here is my first attempt at the problem:
EnumValue will do the compile time assocation between a string and an enum
template<typename EnumType, int EnumIntValue, const char* EnumStrValue>
class EnumValue
static const char* toString()
return EnumStrValue;
static const int toInt()
return EnumIntValue;
static EnumType get()
return static_cast<EnumType>(EnumIntValue);
EnumValueHolder will hold the actual values for both string and enum. I dislike my current design as it still needs to hold a pointer to string. I would prefer a compile time association for this but fail to come up with a more elegant solution
template<typename EnumType>
class EnumValueHolder
EnumValueHolder(const EnumType& value, const char* str)
: value(value), str(str)
bool operator==(const EnumValueHolder<EnumType>& rhs) { return value == rhs.value; }
bool operator==(const EnumType& rhs)const { return value == rhs; }
operator EnumType()const
return value;
const char* toString()const
return str;
const int toInt()const
return static_cast<int>(value);
EnumType value;
char const* str;
Marcos to easily refer to enum types and enum value holder construction
#define ENUM_VALUE_TYPE(enumName, enumValue) \
EnumValue<enumName, (int)enumName::enumValue, str_##enumValue>
#define ENUM_VALUE_MAKE(enumName, enumValue) \
EnumValueHolder<enumName> { \
ENUM_VALUE_TYPE(enumName, enumValue)::get(), \
ENUM_VALUE_TYPE(enumName, enumValue)::toString() }
The following are my test cases and usage examples:
const char str_Apple[] = "Apple";
const char str_Orange[] = "Orange";
const char str_Pineapple[] = "Pineapple";
enum class EFruits
int main()
auto evApple = ENUM_VALUE_MAKE(EFruits, Apple);
std::cout << evApple.toString() << std::endl;
auto evOrange = ENUM_VALUE_MAKE(EFruits, Orange);
std::cout << evOrange.toString() << std::endl;
std::cout << "compare: " << (evApple == evOrange) << std::endl;
evApple = evOrange;
std::cout << evApple.toString() << std::endl;
auto myfruit = ENUM_VALUE_MAKE(EFruits, Pineapple);
std::cout << myfruit.toString() << std::endl;
switch (myfruit)
case EFruits::Apple:
std::cout << "Im an apple!" << std::endl;
case EFruits::Orange:
std::cout << "Im an Orange!" << std::endl;
case EFruits::Pineapple:
std::cout << "Im a Pineapple!" << std::endl;
One of the objectives is to remove the global string:
const char str_Apple[] = "Apple";
const char str_Orange[] = "Orange";
const char str_Pineapple[] = "Pineapple";
The other is to create a macro that assoicates an enum with a string
//Some crazy define that makes pairs of enum values and strings as
//compile time constants
#define DEFINE_ENUM_STRING(enumValue)\
enumValue, #enumValue
//Ideally, the macro would be used like this. This should be usable in any
//scope (global, namespace, class)
//with any access specifier (private, protected, public)
enum class EFruits
So there are 2 main questions:
1) Will this current design actually guarantee compile time constants for associating the enum to the string?
2) How can I define a macro to stringify an enum value and declare the value in a enum class using 1 line?
Edit: This should work and compile with msvs2017 on win64 platform using c++ 11.
I think it should work with MSVC2017. It uses C++14 in the constexpr functions but you can split them to single return statement constexprs to be C++11 compatible (however MSVC2017 supports C++14).
EnumConverter stores the char*, the enum and a string hash value for each enum entry. For each enum you must specialize EnumConverter::StrEnumContainer
. The enum-string pairs could be generated with a similar macro you specified.
#include <tuple>
#include <array>
#include <stdexcept>
using namespace std;
enum ELogLevel {
static constexpr size_t constexprStringHash( char const* const str ) noexcept
return (
( *str != 0 ) ?
( static_cast< size_t >( *str ) + 33 * constexprStringHash( str + 1 ) ) :
class EnumConverter final
EnumConverter() = delete;
EnumConverter( const EnumConverter& ) = delete;
EnumConverter( EnumConverter&& ) = delete;
EnumConverter& operator =( const EnumConverter& ) = delete;
EnumConverter& operator =( EnumConverter&& ) = delete;
template< typename ENUM_T >
static constexpr const char* toStr( const ENUM_T value )
const auto& strEnumArray{ StrEnumContainer< ENUM_T >::StrEnumPairs };
const char* result{ nullptr };
for( size_t index{ 0 }; index < strEnumArray.size(); ++index ) {
if( std::get< 1 >( strEnumArray[ index ] ) == value ) {
result = std::get< 0 >( strEnumArray[ index ] );
return ( ( result == nullptr ) ? throw std::logic_error{ "Enum toStrBase conversion failed" } : result );
template< typename ENUM_T >
static constexpr ENUM_T fromStr( const char* const str )
const auto& strEnumArray{ StrEnumContainer< ENUM_T >::StrEnumPairs };
const size_t hash{ constexprStringHash( str ) };
const ENUM_T* result{ nullptr };
for( size_t index{ 0 }; index < strEnumArray.size(); ++index ) {
if( std::get< 2 >( strEnumArray[ index ] ) == hash ) {
result = &( std::get< 1 >( strEnumArray[ index ] ) );
return ( ( result == nullptr ) ? throw std::logic_error{ "Enum toStrBase conversion failed" } : *result );
template< typename ENUM_T, size_t LEN >
using ARRAY_T = std::array< std::tuple< const char* const, const ENUM_T, const size_t >, LEN >;
template< typename ENUM_T >
static constexpr std::tuple< const char* const, ENUM_T, size_t > getTuple( const char* const str, const ENUM_T type ) noexcept
return std::tuple< const char* const, ENUM_T, size_t >{ str, type, constexprStringHash( str ) };
template< typename ENUM_T >
struct StrEnumContainer
template< typename ENUM_T >
friend struct StrEnumContainer;
struct EnumConverter::StrEnumContainer< ELogLevel >
using ENUM_T = ELogLevel;
static constexpr EnumConverter::ARRAY_T< ENUM_T, 5 > StrEnumPairs{ {
{ getTuple( "Info", ENUM_T::Info ) },
{ getTuple( "Warn", ENUM_T::Warn ) },
{ getTuple( "Debug", ENUM_T::Debug ) },
{ getTuple( "Error", ENUM_T::Error ) },
{ getTuple( "Critical", ENUM_T::Critical ) },
} };
int main()
//static_assert( EnumConverter::fromStr< ELogLevel >( "Info" ) == EnumConverter::fromStr< ELogLevel >( EnumConverter::toStr( Error ) ), "Error" ); // Error
EnumConverter::toStr( Warn )[ 0 ] == 'W' &&
EnumConverter::toStr( Warn )[ 1 ] == 'a' &&
EnumConverter::toStr( Warn )[ 2 ] == 'r' &&
EnumConverter::toStr( Warn )[ 3 ] == 'n',
static_assert( EnumConverter::fromStr< ELogLevel >( "Info" ) == EnumConverter::fromStr< ELogLevel >( EnumConverter::toStr( Info ) ), "Error" );