I am building a simple scraper with Puppeteer/JS.
I am trying to get an array of the paragraphs off a page and html is as seen in [this image][1].
When I use the id (#iframeContent
), I get nothing. When I try to use a deep indicator, as such;
await page.$eval('#bookDesc_iframe_wrapper > iframe')
it loses track trying to hit > document or > #document.
When in the dev console on google, I can only find by query selector if I have gone and opened up that document > html > body manually, otherwise even google console doesn't see #iframeContent
You cannot use selectors across frames. You first have to find the frame and then work inside the frame. Use page.frames()
to get a list of all frames of the page and frame.name()
to identify your target frame.
You can then execute functions like frame.$$
or frame.evaluate
as you would on a page.
The code could look like this:
const frames = await page.frames();
const iframe = frames.find(f => f.name() === 'bookDesc_iframe'); // name or id for the frame
const paragraphs = await iframe.$$('p');