I have this code from a class method that I want to use to treat the data before pass them to the database. I'm not sure on how to proceed, this because usually I prefer to use ajax and a non OOP controller to sanitize the various data. I'm not sure if use filter_var_array
or filter_input_array
to achieve this task. If anyone has a suggestion about this task, I will appreciate it.
Here is an example of my code:
class UserRegistration{
public function registration($data = null){
echo $this->view->registrationForm();
if( isset($_POST['register']) ){
$data = [
password_hash($_POST['password'], PASSWORD_BCRYPT, ['cost'=>11])
if( $this->sanitizeData($data) ){
echo $this->view->registrationSuccess();
private function sanitizeData(array $data){
$sanitized_data = filter_var_array($data, $args);
return $sanitized_data;
You don't need sanitize data before saving it to the database. More info here https://security.stackexchange.com/questions/95325/input-sanitization-vs-output-sanitization