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How to loop a list of object in to a table with custom row using Vue.js

im currently develeping a new application by using Vue.js. I have this list of object i take from my db:

list =  [ 
        { "main": "main 1", "sub_main": "sub main 1", "title": "testing", "description": "this is description" },
    { "main": "main 1", "sub_main": "sub main 1", "title": "trying", "description": "this is description 2" }, 
    { "main": "main 1", "sub_main": "sub main 2", "title": "testing again", "description": "this is description" },
    { "main": "main 1", "sub_main": "sub main 2", "title": "still trying", "description": "this is description 2" },
    { "main": "main 2", "sub_main": "sub main 1", "title": "testing another", "description": "this is description" },
    { "main": "main 2", "sub_main": "sub main 2", "title": "i need help", "description": "this is description 2" }

I want to loop it with v-for in a table but I need to customize it, so its looks like this

| Main/Sub Main/Title | Description           |
|        main 1       |                       |
|      sub main 1     |                       |
|       testing       | this is description   |
|        trying       | this is description 2 |
|      sub main 2     |                       |
|    testing again    | this is description   |
|     still trying    | this is description 2 |
|        main 2       |                       |
|      sub main 1     |                       |
|   testing another   | this is description   |
|      sub main 2     |                       |
|     i need help     | this is description 2 |

currently im just manage to make it every record in one row

 <tr v-for="(data) in list" > 

can you guys give me a pointer on how to solve this problem?


  • first you need to transform your data type into suitable type to loop. I transform your data in computed become like this:

    // computed function
    computed: {
        sortedList() {
          const sortedList = this.list.reduce((result, item) => {
            const { main, sub_main, title, description } = item;
            // check main exists, example: main 1
            if (!result[main]) {
              result[main] = {};
            // check sub_main exsts, example: sub main 1
            if (!result[main][sub_main]) {
              result[main][sub_main] = [
            // if exists, add other data
            result[main][sub_main] = [
              { title, description }
            return result;
          }, {});
          return Object.entries(sortedList);
    // result
      'main 1':  
        'sub main 1': [
            { title: 'testing', description: 'this is description' }, 
            { title: 'testing', description: 'this is description' }, 
            { title: 'trying', description: 'this is description 2' }
        'sub main 2': [
            { title: 'testing again', description: 'this is description' }, 
            { title: 'testing again', description: 'this is description' }, 
            { title: 'still trying', description: 'this is description 2' }
      'main 2': { ... }

    then I loop in triple v-for in the list I sorted.

      <div id="app">
        <div class="wrapper" v-for="([mainKey, mainValue], index) in sortedList" :key="index">
          <template v-for="([submainKey, submainValue], index) in Object.entries(mainValue)">
            <tr :key="index">
            <tr v-for="({title, description}, index) in submainValue" :key="index">

    Screeshot of the result:

    the result screeshot

    The codesandbox is provided in below:

    Hope I can solve your problem!