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Looking for the optimal WCF quota settings

I know, my question is kinda wishy washy, but what would you say are "optimal" settings for WCF quotas, e.g. MaxReceivedMessageSize etc.?

My service mostly returns small values, but sometimes the return values exceed the default quotas. There are even larger return values, which I return as streams at a second endpoint.

Now the default value for MaxReceivedMessageSize (no question, the streamed endpoint uses higher values; my question concerns buffered communication) of 65536 bytes is quite low, I think. There are tons of "tutorials" which just set this value to Int32.MaxValue, which isn't a good idea at all ;) Well what do you think? Which values are viable but are also safe enough not to make your service vulnerable for DoS and other stuff?



  • Vialbe value really depends on the size of data you are expecting. If you know that sometimes you can get up to 256KB then set the value to 256KB. In case of internal service the limit can be probably set to Int32.MaxValue but I think it is much more about lazyness of making the assumtion about transferred data. For a public web service you will hardly set the value to Int32.MaxValue because anybody will be able to blow up your server.

    Btw. if we are talking about data returned from the service then this decission is on the client - both quotas and MaxReceiveMessageSize target receiving message not sending message so if your service returns data in response to client's requests the limit will be set on the client side. For example in case of public web service you don't have all clients under your control so you must also consider how much data do you want to return.

    A separate endpoint is separate configuration on both client and server sides.