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Pseudo code Algorithm for Knapsack Problem with Two Constrains

I'm trying to solve following knapsack problem with two constrains.

What we know:

  • List item Total number of items
  • List item Weight
  • List item Value
  • List item If item is fragile or not (true/false)


  • List item Maximal weight of knapsack
  • List item Maximum number of fragile items knapsack can contain.

Can anyone give me some advice about algorithm i should use, pseudo code or good article?


Important thing I forgot to mention is that I also need to know which items I putted in the bag.


  • It looks like a modification to knapsack would solve it.

    Let's say we have N items, maximum knapscak weight is W, and max amount of fragile items is F

    let's define our dp table as 3-dimensional array dp[N+1][W+1][F+1]

    Now dp[n][w][f] stores maximum value we can get if we fill knapsack with some subset of items from first n items, having weight of exacly w and having exacly f fragile items.

    frop dp[n][w][f] we can move to states:

    • dp[n+1][w][f] if we skip n+1 th item
    • dp[n+1][w + weight(n+1)][f + isFragile(n+1)] if we take n+1 th item

    so pseudocde:

    dp[N+1][W+1][F+1] // memo table, initially filled with -1
     int solve(n,w,f)
        if(n > N)return 0;
        if(dp[n][w][f] != -1) return dp[n][w][f];
        dp[n][w][f] = solve(n+1,w,f); //skip item
        if(w + weight(n) <= W && f + isFragile(n) <=F)
        dp[n][w][f] = max(dp[n][w][f], value(n) + solve(n+1, w + weight(n), f + isFragile(n)));
        return dp[n][w][f]

    Getting the actual subset is also not difficult:

    vector<int> getSolution(n,w,f)
        int optimalValue = solve(n,w,f);
        vector<int>answer; //just some dynamic array / arrayList
        while(n <= N)
            if(solve(n+1,w,f) == optimalValue)n++; //if after skipping item we can still get optimal answer we just skip it
            else //otherwise we cant so current item must be taken
                int new_w = w + weight(n);
                int new_f = f + isFragile(n);
                answer.push_back(n); //so we just save its index, and update all values
                optimalValue -= value(n);
                w = new_w;
                f = new_f;
        return answer;