I can't get body of request for the POST
Server responce 'name is required'. Method getUsers work correctly. RethinkDB works good, server.js works too. I searched for similar answers here, but there is nothing suitable. There are very old answers, but they are not relevant.
This is request: (I use Postman for POST)
Why bodyParser don't work in my code? I have no idea why this happens.
const Koa = require('koa')
const logger = require('koa-morgan')
const bodyParser = require('koa-bodyparser')
const Router = require('koa-router')
const r = require('rethinkdb')
const server = new Koa()
const router = new Router()
const db = async() => {
const connection = await r.connect({
host: 'localhost',
port: '28015',
db: 'getteamDB'
return connection;
const insertUser = async(ctx, next) => {
await next()
// Get the db connection.
const connection = await db()
// Throw the error if the table does not exist.
var exists = await r.tableList().contains('users').run(connection)
if (exists === false) {
ctx.throw(500, 'users table does not exist')
let body = ctx.request.body || {}
// Throw the error if no name.
if (body.name === undefined) {
ctx.throw(400, 'name is required')
// Throw the error if no email.
if (body.email === undefined) {
ctx.throw(400, 'email is required')
let document = {
name: body.name,
email: body.email
var result = await r.table('users')
.insert(document, {returnChanges: true})
ctx.body = result
.post('/users', insertUser)
Body parser is used to parse POST requests (for POST body), here you have to use req.query
instead of req.body
, follow up this question.