I'm working with a AIX 5.3 version OS server, and I have to deploy a shell that I did in Linux (RedHat), but I have a big problem when I try to manipulate some timestamps.
In Linux I use:
`Start="Thu Mar 28 16:49:20 2019"`
`date -d "$Start" +%s`
to calculate the seconds since 1970 that corresponds to the date, but in UNIX AIX 5.3 I get the following error:
date: Not a recognized flag: d
Usage: date [-u] [+"Field Descriptors"]
How can I do this in UNIX AIX? I need to calculate the seconds since 1970 from a specific date (date format: Fri Nov 25 02:11:53 2011)
Convert date to epoch on AIX with Perl:
# Usage: mkepoch yyyy mm dd HH MM SS
use Time::Local;
($yyyy, $mm, $dd, $HH, $MM, $SS)=@ARGV;
$tm=timelocal($SS, $MM, $HH, $dd, $mm - 1, $yyyy);
print "$tm\n";
chmod u+x ./mkepoch
Start="2019 03 28 16 49 20"
./mkepoch $Start