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skimage watershed segmentation for lung image segmentation

I am getting some kind of noise or unintended output from skimage.segmentation.watershed(). I am new to image processing so I don't know about other parameters of watershed().

After that when I use mark_boundaries() the same output is reflected over there too.

It would be helpful if anyone knows how to remove that dots from segmented image.

here are my code and outputs

  1. mask

    plt.imshow(binarye, cmap="gray")

enter image description here

  1. The image on which I want perform segmentation enter image description here

  2. output image

    segments_watershed = watershed(img_one, 1000, mask=binarye) plt.imshow(segments_watershed, cmap="gray") enter image description here


  • It is fixed.

    Gitgub issue page

    Github solution