Is there a way I can get text-edit or a similar application integrated within my own application. I want the user to edit the documents within my application, so is there someway I can embed text-edit or any other application that allows simple text-editing in my app? I don't want to write a a text-edit application as it will just simply double (or maybe even more) the work, besides, I don't have time or know where to start, and the budget for the project is really low as well.
Just using an NSTextView
gets you about 85% of the way to having TextEdit embedded in your app. Font changes, find and replace, spell checking, and undo support are available just by checking a box in IB.
Take a look at Apple's article "Building a Text Editor In 15 Minutes" Hyperbole, perhaps, but I think it will tell you what you need to know.
The source for TextEdit is also available in /Developer/Examples/ for your reading pleasure.