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Attribute Error with Python Library VapourSynth

I've installed Python 3.7 and Vapoursynth library from this link.

Now I'm trying to open a .mp4 video, but there's an attribute error:

 AttributeError: No attribute with the name lsmas exists. Did you mistype a plugin namespace?

How do I solve this problem?


  • As of March 2019, latest compiled FFMS2 and L-SMASH source plugins for VapourSynth for Windows, by Wolfberry you can download from

    unzip those and put ffmsindex.exe, ffms2.dll and vslsmashsource.dll into your C:\Program Files (x86)\VapourSynth\plugins64 directory. Then , you can use these lines in your Vapoursynth scripts to load videos,

    from vapoursynth import core
    clip = core.ffms2.Source(videofile) #for mkv extensions
    clip = core.lsmas.LibavSMASHSource(videofile) # for mp4, mov extensions
    clip = core.lsmas.LWLibavSource(videofile)  #for ts, m2ts, mts