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How to display project, group members and their boss side by side in mySQL

I want to show (team id, team name, intern id, intern name, reporter id, reporter name) for all my records. I don't know how to separate interns in one column and reporters in another for same team. I want to do this because I want each reporter to provide evaluation for each intern they are working with in that group. Image of my table


  • You could use a join with sub query for Intern and Reporter

    select a.teamID, a.temaName, 
      b.peopleID intren_id, b.firstname intern_name, b.lastname inter_lastname, 
      c.peopleId, c.firstname reporter_name, c.lastname reporter_lastname
    from mytable a  
    inner join  (
      select teamId, firstname, lastname
      from mytable 
      where pType = 'Intern'
    ) b on a.teamId  = b.teamId 
    inner join  (
      select teamId, firstname, lastname
      from mytable 
      where pType = 'Reporter'
    ) c on a.teamId  = c.teamId