I just learn about a Factory Pattern and want to implement that in Typescript.
I check many sites like this and notice that all of the examples violating OCP because they have to use many if
statements to find a suitable subclass constructor.
I also found a similar question of how to do that in Java. But I don't know if it could be implemented in typescript.
I don't know if it's a good practice but you can avoid a lot of if statement by find class by random access instead of sequentialy.
You can try a way like this:
enum Behaviour {
Friendly = 0,
export abstract class BaseCharacter{
protected strength: number;
public canFightWith(character: BaseCharacter): Boolean{
return this.getBehaviour() !== character.getBehaviour();
public getStrength():number{
return this.strength;
public abstract getBehaviour():Behaviour;
export class Vilain extends BaseCharacter{
private reduction;
public Vilain(strength:number, reduction:number){
this.strength = strength;
this.reduction = reduction;
public getStrength():number{
return super.getStrength()*this.reduction;
public getBehaviour(): Behaviour {
return Behaviour.Agressive;
export class Hero extends BaseCharacter{
public Hero(strength:number){
this.strength = strength
public getBehaviour(): Behaviour {
return Behaviour.Friendly;
export class StaticFactory{
// in this example Hero and Vilain will extend BaseCharacter
static definitions = {
static instanciateCharacter(subClass: string, ...args):BaseCharacter {
if(subClass in StaticFactory.definitions)
return new StaticFactory.definitions[subClass](...args);
export class Battle{
public constructor(private first: BaseCharacter, private second: BaseCharacter){
throw new Error("These 2 characters fight for the same cause !");
public getWinner():BaseCharacter{
if (this.first.getStrength() === this.second.getStrength())
return !(Math.trunc(Math.random()*2))?this.first:this.second;
return this.first.getStrength() > this.second.getStrength()?this.first:this.second;