I try to run simple script of rxjs in android application using duktape-android library and I can not find it a way to go.
val duktape = Duktape.create()
duktape.evaluate("global = {}")
I put in asserts of application the minim version of rxjs. I implemented the console, set the global context and the I try to call some functions from file. This is my run method :
private fun run(duktape: Duktape) {
const range = rxjs;
const filter = rxjs.operators;
const map = rxjs.operators;
range(1, 200).pipe(
filter(x => x % 2 == 1),
map(x => x + x)
).subscribe(x => console.log(x));
""") }
The result is DuktapeException: SyntaxError: parse error (line 6)
. Line is the line where filter function is called.
Any idea how should be the syntax for calling functions from rxjs using duktape-android
duktape only supports ES5, which means there's no support for array functions. See also the compatibility chapter: https://duktape.org/guide.html#compatibility