I have routing defined as so in my app-routing.module.ts
{path: 'xyz', loadChildren: './child/child.module#ChildModule'}
and in child-routing.module.ts
{path: '', component: ChildComponent},
{path: ':id', component: ChildComponent}
When I visit the route localhost:4200/xyz
it loads the ChildComponent
which is expected.
But when I go to localhost:4200/
it loads the ChildComponent
. This wasn't expected as I assumed it is parent_route i.e xyz
plus child_route.
How do I restrict angular from loading ChildComponent
on /
Example posted on StackBlitz https://stackblitz.com/edit/angular-xts7bc
You are trying to lazy-load
the ParentModule
and the ChildModule
, but you have imported both of them, in AppModule
and ParentModule
respectively. The router are not matching to the defined routes in Parent and AppModule, but they match the ChildModule, hence you get that component even on the root ('/').
To fix this, remove the ParentModule
from the imports array of AppModule
and remove ChildModule
from the imports of ParentModule