I am trying to bump the version of my package.json file when I commit, but only if the commit message is prefixed correctly: MJ
prefix triggers a patch bump, ^
prefix triggers a minor bump. I wrote a gulp task to do this and it works, the only problem is that I can't get the message of the current commit, execute the task, then add package.json to the commit and continue.
I tried running my task on these two git hooks:
What works
What works
This is my gulp task that I've tried with the two hooks. I removed some noise to try to keep it minimal.
import * as fs from "fs";
import gulp from "gulp";
import * as shell from "shelljs";
import pkg from "./package.json";
const getCommitMsg = () => fs.readFileSync(".git/COMMIT_EDITMSG", "utf8");
(done) => {
const message = getCommitMsg();
const isMinor = message.startsWith(MINOR_PREFIX);
const isPatch = message.startsWith(PATCH_PREFIX);
if (!isMinor && !isPatch) {
return exit(EC.NOT_VERSION);
const newPatch = isPatch ? parseInt(patch) + 1 : 0;
const newMinor = isMinor ? parseInt(minor) + 1 : minor;
const newVersion = `${major}.${newMinor}.${newPatch}`;
const newPkg = Object.assign({}, pkg, { version: newVersion }); // update version
fs.writeFileSync("./package.json", JSON.stringify(newPkg, null, 4));
shell.exec("git add ./package.json");
Pretty much everything relies on the commit message, which is fetched using the getCommitMsg
function. Maybe fs.readFileSync(".git/COMMIT_EDITMSG", "utf8");
isn't the way to go? Perhaps there is another command I could run (with shelljs
) to get the current commit message in the pre-commit
hook? Otherwise if I use the prepare-commit-msg
hook, then I can get the correct message, but then how would I add it to the current commit along with the other staged files?
You can use the commit-msg
hook to read the commit message, take actions based on that, stage files and commit
node bump.js
git add package.json
git commit -m "`cat $COMMIT_MSG_FILE`" --no-verify
node bump.js
will increment the version in package.json (similar to your gulp task)
git add package.json
will stage the modified file
git commit -m "
cat $COMMIT_MSG_FILE" --no-verify
will commit the staged files but skipping the hooks (pre-commit and commit-msg)
will stop the original commit since we've already committed in the last line