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Coq - return value of type which is equal to function return type

By some theorem we know that type A equals type B. How can I tell this to Coq compiler during type checking?

I want to implement a non-empty tree such that each node know its size:

Inductive Struct: positive -> Type :=
| Leaf : Struct 1%positive
| Inner: forall {n m}, Struct n -> Struct m -> Struct (n + m).

I want to create a function which generates a tree of a given size of logarithmic depth. E.g.

7 -> 6 + 1 -> (3 + 3) + 1 -> ((2 + 1) + (2 + 1)) + 1 -> (((1 + 1) + 1) + ((1 + 1) + 1)) + 1

Fixpoint nat2struct n : (Struct n) :=
  match n with
  | xH => Leaf
  | xO n => Inner (nat2struct n) (nat2struct n) 
  | xI n => Inner Leaf (Inner (nat2struct n) (nat2struct n))

However, I get the error:

The term "Inner Leaf (Inner (nat2struct n0) (nat2struct n0))" has type "Struct (1 + (n0 + n0))" while it is expected to have type "Struct n0~1".

How can I fix this? We know that (1 + n + n) = xI n, but Coq doesn't. If I state this theorem before, it doesn't change anything:

Theorem nBy2p1: forall n, Pos.add 1%positive (n + n) = xI n. Proof. Admitted.
Hint Resolve nBy2p1.

Are there some hints for Coq to be aware of this theorem?

PS1: is this theorem already proved in standard library? I didn't find one.

PS2: I actually want to split more naturally: 7 -> 4 + 3 -> (2 + 2) + (2 + 1) -> ((1 + 1) + (1 + 1)) + ((1 + 1) + 1). Is it possible? I don't know how to write it so that Coq understands that the function converges.


  • When type-checking, Coq uses a weaker form of equality (sometimes called definitional, judgemental, or computational equality). Unlike propositional equality (what "=" binds to by default), definitional equality is decidable. Coq can take any two terms and decide if one is convertible into the other. If propositional equality were allowed in type-checking, type-checking would no longer be decidable1.

    To fix your problem (and it is a pretty big problem) you have a few options.

    Make Struct a record

    I'll demonstrate the principle using lists. First, we have the notion of unsized lists.

    Inductive UnsizedList (A: Type) :=
    | unil
    | ucons (a: A) (u: UnsizedList A).
    Arguments unil [A], A.
    Arguments ucons [A] a u, A a u.
    Fixpoint length {A: Type} (u: UnsizedList A) :=
    match u with
    | unil => 0
    | ucons _ u' => S (length u')

    We can also define a sized list, where every element of SizedList A n has length n.

    Inductive SizedList (A: Type): nat -> Type :=
    | snil: SizedList A 0
    | scons {n: nat} (a: A) (u: SizedList A n): SizedList A (S n).

    This definition runs into the exact same problem as yours. For example, if you want to show that concatenation is associative, you can't simply prove concat (concat u v) w = concat u (concat v w), since the two sides of the equality have different types ((i + j) + k vs i + (j + k)). If we could simply tell Coq what size we expect the list to be, then prove it later, we could solve this. That's what this definition does, which packs together an UnsizedList with a proof that that list has the desired length.

    Record SizedListPr (A: Type) (n: nat): Type := {
      list: UnsizedList A;
      list_len_eq: length list = n;

    Now we can have concat (concat u v) w = concat u (concat v w); we just need to prove that both sides have length (i + j) + k.

    Use coercions

    This approach can get pretty messy if you aren't careful, so it's not often the preferred approach.

    Let me define a sort of coercion that maps elements of type P x to elements of type P y if x = y.2

    Definition coercion {A: Type} (P: A -> Type) {x y: A} (p: x = y): P x -> P y :=
    match p with
    | eq_refl => fun t => t

    Here we use induction on the term p: x = y. The induction principle says, essentially, that if we can prove something when x and y are definitionally equal, then we can prove it when they're propositionaly equal.3 When P x and P y are the same, we can just use the identity function.

    Now, for example, the statement of associativity of concatenation for sized lists is concat (concat u v) w = coercion (SizedList A) (add_assoc) (concat u (concat v w)). So we coerce something of type SizedList A (i + (j + k)) to something of type SizedList A ((i + j) + k) using the equality add_assoc: i + (j + k) = (i + j) + k (I've left out some parameters for readability).

    What choice you make is up to you. A discussion of this problem and related problems, as well as some additional resolutions can be found at the Certified Programming with Dependent Types page Equality.

    1 See extensional type theory for a class of theories where this typically happens. Martin Hofmann's thesis has an overview of the difference between intensional and extensional theories.

    2 If you're familiar with Homotopy Type Theory, this is transport.

    3 There are enough caveats on this statement that the differences between propositional and definitional equality still exist.